A very good day to you dear friends! To those of you who have been formally made aware of our new website, you may be thinking that a brand new website would be goal enough, and it’s been met. However, this site has given birth to several more goals (really, can one have only ONE goal for the entire year)?! I would like to share some of them with you.
Our second goal was one we hadn’t even realized was a goal, and this, too, has come to fruition. This was to have a master plan of all products we will carry on the site for the entire year of 2024! This was quite the Herculean task as we had to decide on the actual products to carry, how many types, colour scheme and/or design, scent, and when they would be made available. Normally, (and we turn quite pink as we admit this) we have our scathingly brilliant ideas for new products weeks or even days before their premiere! No self-inflicted anxiety there, right?
That brings us to our third goal, and this has not been realized. As we have participated in many more large festivals over the past few of years, we have neglected to keep our site up to date with those products we carry in person. For shame! We believe that should work itself out as we now have that wonderful blueprint of 2024’s products. Just another step in becoming more organized (fingers crossed)!
Our third goal is to introduce a few new limited edition items at festivals just to see how they go over with our customers (our ice cream soap was just such an example from 2023, and we are happy to say they proved to be very popular).
Our fourth goal (and this has always been a struggle) is to maintain a well organized environment and keep up with the seemingly never ending paperwork, which we have always inherently disliked. Steady on-going bites will get this distasteful “meal” down. We envision a successful outcome for this goal as well.
Finally, our fifth goal is to maintain a steady stream of informative, amusing, or off topic blogs this year. We are of the opinion that we are off to a promising start.
Of course, many more goals will undoubtedly make themselves known to us over the course of the year, but we did want to share some of our most pertinent ones. Pertinent as of this writing, of course!
Wishing you all a most glorious day!