Christmas ice cream

On the tenth day of Christmas . . .🎶

The Christmas holiday is quickly drawing to a close.  We pack away the decorations, eat the last of the pumpkin pie, are shocked at the ten pounds we packed on since Thanksgiving, and vow to take better care of our health from now until when . . . the next holiday?!

As we live on a farm and still have a few critters, today I happily spread two loads of my Anna mare’s manure on the fields (the air was so very bracing), filled up her water tank (as temperatures are forecast to drop below freezing for about a week), and cleaned out our chickens’ coop and put fresh, fluffy bedding down for them.  I think they were pleased with the result—perhaps a little shocked, as well!  Either way, they provided us with their wonderful cackle berries since Christmas day after a dry spell of about four months.  Perhaps those pesky coyotes scared the desire right out of them until now!

Inventory and a final tidying of the studio takes priority this weekend, as we listen to one final round of Christmas carols and hymns until November.  Then, it is time to put on the apron and prepare for the next holiday.  You guessed it—Valentine’s Day!  Yes, it will be here before you know it, with chocolates, champagne, and roses, and we can provide all these things in the form of soap.  Stay tuned.

Until next week, stay safe, healthy, and let all you do, be done in love!



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